It was a star-studded cast at this month's Tuesday Funk, and we tried to restrain ourselves from asking for autographs. Emily Nordling set the scene with an excerpt from her historical novel about a mysterious photograph. Next up, Mary Lorenz made us laugh about her various medical misfortunes. Co-host Andrew Huff read some seasonal haiku (as well as one about Mad Max that came with several different endings), and then Christa Desir closed out the half with a compelling excerpt from her YA novel about an alcoholic girl boxer.
Fittingly, we spent our intermission with alcohol from Mark.
Co-host Eden Robins read a microessay about the lonely art of the selfie, and then it was K.B. Jensen's turn to read a story from her collection about a beloved, decrepit house. And finally, Hannah Gamble regaled us with several poems about life, love, and loss.
By now you know the drill, right? We'll be back on Tuesday, July 7th for more! Come see Erin Watson, Fred Sasaki, Norman Doucet, Lily Be, and co-host Eden Robins... or live with the foul taste of regret.