Tuesday Funk : Page 116

Meet Our Readers: Jerry Schwartz


Jerry Schwartz is the author of Pixels of Young Mueller, a coming-of-age tale published in 2010 by All Things That Matter Press. The book is available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle Edition, and you can visit Jerry's website at www.itsjerryschwartz.com.

Jerry also writes, plays, sings, and produces the music of The Jerrys, a fictional band that appears in his novel. The Jerrys' new album, Let's Groove, is available on iTunes, and you can download their new single, "Bigger Than Oprah," on their website at


Join Tuesday Funk on August 2nd, 7:30 p.m., to hear Jerry and all of our talented readers at Hopleaf's upstairs bar!


Julie Rosenthal is a freelance writer in Chicago. She draws ideas for her stories from the encyclopedia articles she writes for Salem Press . Her fiction has been recognized by ChiZine and has appeared in Columbia College Chicago's 2011 Story Week Reader. More stories are forthcoming this year in A cappella Zoo , Kaleidotrope and an anthology from India-based Zubaan Books .

Julie adds: Thanks very much to Bill and Sara -- and to all of the loyal supporters of Tuesday Funk.

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Join Tuesday Funk on August 2nd, 7:30 p.m., to hear Julie and all of our talented readers at Hopleaf's upstairs bar!

Meet Our Readers: Sondra Morin

Sondra Morin is a small town New Englander at heart and a longtime proponent of DIY publishing and collaboration. Last year she self-released a poetry chapbook, Inviting the Expanse, under the newly conceptualized Radical Snail Press.

Her poems and short stories have appeared, or are forthcoming in: 
Curbside SplendorThe Logan Square Literary ReviewTwo With Watervis a tergo and Word on Wednesday: Anthology 7. Currently, Sondra can be found working on a collection of prose vignettes concerning cemeteries and posting to her blog: Snails Are Good For The Environment, Too.

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Join Tuesday Funk on August 2nd, 7:30 p.m., to hear Sondra and all of our talented readers at Hopleaf's upstairs bar!

Meet Our Readers: Tegan Jones

Tegan Jones has been writing professionally for the last 5 years. Trained as a journalist, she has published articles about business trends, environmental issues, travel destinations and many other topics too boring to list here. She currently works as a Content Director at Imagination Publishing, where she dreams of hanging up her business suit and becoming a fiction writer full time. In pursuit of that dream, she's in progress with her first novel, which she hopes to unveil at this time next year.

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Join Tuesday Funk on August 2nd, 7:30 p.m., to hear Tegan and all of our talented readers at Hopleaf's upstairs bar!

Karen Skalitzky is the author of A Recipe for Hope: Stories of Transformation by People
Struggling with Homelessness (ACTA Publications, 2006). The book was inspired by the men
and women she met volunteering at Inspiration Café. An educator by trade, she works as a
reading specialist. She coaches teachers and principals in both underserved and high achieving public schools.

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Join Tuesday Funk on August 2nd, 7:30 p.m., to hear Karen and all of our talented readers at Hopleaf's upstairs bar!

Meet Our Readers: Eden M. Robins


In the grand tradition of underemployed artists, Eden M. Robins has been: a singing waitress, a dildo salesman, a dental assistant, an abortion clinic receptionist, a blowjob instructor, a travel writer, a pelvic model, and a Swahili teacher. She wrote a novel that is currently in the "death rattle" stage of edits and is co-founder and co-editor of the semiprozine Brain Harvest.

Eden has published some things in some places, but not enough things or enough places for you to have noticed... however, you may remember her from the blizzard edition of Tuesday Funk, which none of you showed up to.


Join Tuesday Funk on August 2nd, 7:30 p.m., to hear Eden and all of our talented readers at Hopleaf's upstairs bar!


And we'll bring our July videofest to a stirring close with this short story from acclaimed writer Brenda Cooper, who joined us at our mike in June...

Be sure to join us on Tuesday, August 2, 7:30 pm upstairs at Hopleaf, for six more great readers, including Tegan Jones, Sondra Morin, Eden M. Robins, Julie Rosenthal, Jerry Schwartz and Karen Skalitzky!


Our August reading is coming up fast, and there's no better way to get in the right frame of mind than with videos from past event. This story from June, Sarah K. Castle's chilling encounter with "The Mutant Stag at Horn Creek," should help set the mood very nicely...

And be sure to join us on Tuesday, August 2, 7:30 pm upstairs at Hopleaf, for six more great readers, including Tegan Jones, Sondra Morin, Eden M. Robins, Julie Rosenthal, Jerry Schwartz and Karen Skalitzky!


Next up in our July videofest is this short poem from Funk co-host William Shunn, "The Lunar Night, Chicago"...

And be sure to join us on Tuesday, August 2, 7:30 pm upstairs at Hopleaf, for six more great readers, including Tegan Jones, Sondra Morin, Eden M. Robins, Julie Rosenthal, Jerry Schwartz and Karen Skalitzky—plus another of our patented Poems by Bill!


Were we cracking wise a few days ago about dogs? Well, we take it all back. Feast your eyes and ears on this June reading from Vincent Jorgensen, with the opening from novel-in-progress Pood!e. Dog days indeed!

And be sure to join us on Tuesday, August 2, 7:30 pm upstairs at Hopleaf, for six more great readers, including Tegan Jones, Sondra Morin, Eden M. Robins, Julie Rosenthal, Jerry Schwartz and Karen Skalitzky!
