
Tuesday Funk is social distancing in April!

We're postponing our April 7 show in light of, you know, *gestures everywhere.* We hope to be back in action very, very soon, but in the meanwhile, take care of yourselves, be kind to one another, and wash your hands!...  read

No January Show -- Happy New Year!

The first Tuesday of January happens to be the first of the year! And so your favorite eclectic monthly reading series will bow to the holiday and take the month off. We'll see you on Tuesday, Feb. 5 instead. Stay...  read

J.H. Palmer joins our November 5th lineup!

In latebreaking news, we're pleased to announce that Tuesday Funk veteran J.H. Palmer will join our November 5th program, replacing Joseph "Joe the Cop" O'Sullivan, who was caught in a scheduling conflict. Joe will be back at a future date,...  read

Tuesday Funk likes Gapers Block ... and vice versa!

Tuesday Funk is proud to inaugurate its association with Gapers Block at our April 2nd reading, by welcoming Andrew Huff as our new co-host! Gapers Block is a Chicago-centric online publication founded in 2003 with the intent of getting people...  read

A little snow won't stop us!

Listen up, Funkers! Lest we've been unclear, let me break it down for you. We are not canceling Tuesday Funk tonight because of a little snow. Repeat, Tuesday Funk is on, baby. Bring it.  read

Tuesday Funk likes Kegs for Kids

We at Tuesday Funk love Hopleaf and the wonderful room they let us use every month, so we're happy to spread the word about a great cause they undertake every year. No, it's not a program to give beer to...  read

Tuesday Funk welcomes Robert K. Elder to the April 5th lineup

Hey, Funkers, we're delighted to welcome author and journalist Robert K. Elder to our April 5th lineup. Rob's upcoming book is It Was Over When...: True Tales of Romantic Dead Ends. He discussed his previous effort, The Film That Changed...  read

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Hi, everyone. My name is William Shunn, and I'm one of the new co-producers of Tuesday Funk. If you're reading this, you've probably already noticed our spiffy new web site. I'd like to tell you about some of the other...  read

Help Support the Hopleaf and Peirce Elementary School!

As you know, the Hopleaf Bar has been home to the Tuesday Funk Reading Series for about a year, now. The Hopleaf folks have been gracious and generous with their space. So we’d like to return the favor and spread...  read

Tuesday Funk #0!

First of all, I’d like to announce that Tuesday Funk will take a much needed break in August. But it will be back on the first Tuesday of September. Now then, an explanation of the title of the post: Traditionally,...  read
Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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