Tuesday Funk : Page 49

July Debriefing


Coming off the holiday weekend, Tuesday Funk was the perfect way to ease back into the real world -- especially since the beer was cold and the Hopleaf's air conditioning was working.

Maggie Jenkins got us started with a story about becoming a karaoke hero in enemy territory. Leland Cheuk read an excerpt from his novel The Misadventures of Sulliver Pong, after which Scott Smith delivered a powerful essay on the broad brush the South Side is often painted with. To wit: "Myths are stories we tell ourselves to explain things that seem far away. Things that we don't understand. And for a lot of people, the South Side is a myth."

After the intermission, cohost Andrew Huff shared his patented topical haiku, and Hannah Gamble echoed Scott with an essay on race, bias and revolution, as well as a second essay -- disguised as a poem -- about the treatment of women in film and its relationship to sexuality. Kendra Stevens Closed out the night with a story about how fixing her teeth revealed self-consciousness she didn't realize she had.

Miss the show? You can watch the readers on our YouTube channel, along with videos of past shows.

We'll be back on Tuesday, Aug. 2 with guests Ryan Bartelmay, Ines Bellina, Vojislav Pejovic, Angel Simmons and Connie Voisine. Hope to see you there!


Come celebrate your Independence Day hangover with your pals at Tuesday Funk! Tonight we've got Leland Cheuk, Hannah Gamble, Maggie Jenkins, Scott Smith, and Kendra Stevens! Plus your faithful co-hosts Andrew Huff and Eden Robins, naturally.

Our readings take place at Hopleaf Bar, 5148 N. Clark St. in Chicago. We get started promptly at 7:30 pm in the upstairs lounge. Arrive early if you want a seat -- but no earlier than 7:00 pm. Our readings are free, but only those 21 and over will be admitted. No food can be brought in from the restaurant. See you there!

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Meet Our Readers: Maggie Jenkins


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Maggie Jenkins is a comic, writer, runner and rapper. She has been a featured performer at Story Club, Essay Fiesta, Write Club, the kates and the Chicago Women's Funny Festival, among many others. She's a member of Chicago's all-female Beastie Boys tribute, She's Crafty. Find out more at maggiekay.org.

Please join Maggie and all our amazing readers on Tuesday, July 5, 2016, upstairs at Hopleaf at 7:30 pm. This 21-and-older event is free.

Meet Our Readers: Scott Smith


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Scott Smith is a digital strategist and an analog opportunist. A child of the Chicago suburbs, he cites his years attending college in Ohio as his most formative, and his years since, living in Chicago's city proper, as his most enriching. In his spare time, Scott enjoys comic books, scotch and the oeuvre of The Faces. He lives on the South Side in Morgan Park with his wife and daughter where he hosts and produces the live lit show The Frunchroom, featuring stories of, by and about the South Side.. Follow his further exploits on Twitter at @ourmaninchicago.

Please join Scott and all our amazing readers on Tuesday, July 5, 2016, upstairs at Hopleaf at 7:30 pm. This 21-and-older event is free.

Meet Our Readers: Kendra Stevens


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Kendra Stevens is a Chicago-based writer, Live Lit performer, comic, rapper and obsessed pet owner. She is a co-producer of the monthly show, Serving the Sentence, is an original member of the kates, a Write Club victor, and has also been featured at Story Club, Essay Fiesta, Story Sessions and Guts and Glory (RIP), among others. She is also one-fourth of Chicago's All-Female Beastie Boys Tribute, She's Crafty, spitting rhymes as Ken D.

Please join Kendra and all our amazing readers on Tuesday, July 5, 2016, upstairs at Hopleaf at 7:30 pm. This 21-and-older event is free.

Meet Our Readers: Hannah Gamble


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Hannah Gamble is the 2015 winner of the Neil Postman award for metaphor from Rattle magazine. She will be giving talks this summer at the Chicago Art Institute and the 2015 Printer's Ball, and will have new poems out in Pleiades in a couple months. Follow her on twitter @hannah_gamble and on Instagram @wrath_hats.

Please join Hannah and all our amazing readers on Tuesday, July 5, 2016, upstairs at Hopleaf at 7:30 pm. This 21-and-older event is free.

Meet Our Readers: Leland Cheuk


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Leland Cheuk is the author of the novel The Misadventures of Sulliver Pong (CCLaP Publishing, 2015). The book was an Amazon National Bestseller in Asian-American Literature, a finalist for the James Jones First Novel Fellowship, and a semi-finalist for the Big Moose Prize from Black Lawrence Press. Cheuk has been awarded fellowships and artist residencies including one from the MacDowell Colony, and his work has appeared or is forthcoming in publications such as Salon, Electric Literature, The Rumpus, Kenyon Review, Prairie Schooner, [PANK] Magazine, Bartleby Snopes, The Margins, and elsewhere. He is also an assistant fiction editor at Newfound Journal. He lives in Brooklyn.

Please join Leland and all our amazing readers on Tuesday, July 5, 2016, upstairs at Hopleaf at 7:30 pm. This 21-and-older event is free.

Tuesday Funk #95 - July 5, 2016


Your favorite eclectic monthly reading series, Tuesday Funk returns the day after Independence Day, July 5! Join us in the upstairs bar at Hopleaf for readings by Leland Cheuk, Hannah Gamble, Maggie Jenkins, Kendra Stevens and Scott Smith! Andrew Huff and Eden Robins are your faithful co-hosts, and Sal will be behind the bar to serve you a tasty beverage or two.

Doors open at 7pm -- no earlier, please! -- and the show starts at 7:30 sharp. So get there early to grab a seat, but not overly early. As always, admission is free, but you must be 21 or older. And come early or stay late after for some great Belgian-style food downstairs.

Please RSVP on Facebook, and bring a friend. And become a fan so you never miss an invitation to one of our readings. Oh, and we're now on Instagram! Follow us for realtime photos of the readers!

Tuesday Funk for July 5, 2016

June Haiku by Andrew


Co-host Andrew Huff read a few topical haiku at the June 7, 2016 episode of Tuesday Funk -- including a couple dedicated to soon-to-be newlyweds Eden Robins and Kyle Thiessen (our videographer).

Pollen burns my eyes,
makes my throat sore, prompts a cough.
Still, glad it's not cold.

The best new name for
Tribune Online Content is
anything but tronc.

May wedded bliss be
a lifetime of adventure
with your beloved.

Mad Max: Fury Road
is now available on

June Debriefing


Rana Khoury reads at Tuesday Funk - click to view - mousewheel to zoom
June's edition of Tuesday Funk was a lively one. Cohost Eden Robins led us off with a bit of Ke$ha fan fiction, followed by post-apocalyptic poetry by Sara Krueger. Cohost Andrew Huff read some topical haiku before handing the mic over to Parker Molloy, who read an essay about the challenges facing transgender teens and how much they outweigh the fantasies of restroom menace imagined by conservative congressmen.

Then we took a break to let Sal refresh our drinks and discuss what we've heard.

Rana Khoury kept the more serious mood going with an excerpt from her book As Ohio Goes: Life in the Post-Recession Nation, describing the decline of manufacturing in the Buckeye State. Norman Doucet closed us out with a personal essay on how Americans have allowed politics to divide us.

We'll be back on Tuesday, July 5 -- yep, the day after Independence Day -- with guests Leland Cheuk, Hannah Gamble, Scott Smith and the cohosts of monthly reading series Serving the Sentence, Maggie Jenkins and Kendra Stevens. Come celebrate freedom with us!
