Reading #136

February 2020 Debrief

The 136th edition of Tuesday Funk on Feb. 4 was another jam-packed room full of attentive audience members listening to fantastic readers! We're always grateful to have such open and engaged crowds. Lindsay Porter started us off with an abecedarius...  read

Tuesday Funk #136 is tonight!

Show your indomitable Chicago spirit by trudging out in the (choose one:) snow/below-zero temps/gray drizzle/slush to see some awesome live lit! We've got: Kelly Swails, Ananda Lima, Lindsay Porter, Jessi D, and Kendra Stevens. Andrew Huff and Eden Robins cohost...  read

Meet Our Readers: Lindsay Porter

Lindsay Porter has told stories with Loose Chicks, Upright Citizens Brigade, Miss Spoken, Tellin' Tales, TenX, True Story and Story Sessions. She teaches storytelling in schools, hospitals, and jails. She recently started doing stand up comedy, and has performed with...  read

Meet Our Readers: Jessi D

Jessi D hails from the suburbs of Phoenix, Arizona, which is just as bad as it sounds. She packed her car with her belongings and cat and made the drive to Chicago in the miserably humid summer of 2011 and...  read

Meet Our Readers: Kendra Stevens

Kendra Stevens is a Chicago-based live-lit performer, comic and rapper who has performed all over the city. She is the co-producer and host of Serving the Sentence, a live-lit show in which all the stories start with the same first...  read

Meet Our Readers: Kelly Swails

Kelly Swails is a writer, editor, and all-around geek. Her work has appeared in several anthologies as well as Currently, she's the Co-Director of the Writer's Symposium at Gen Con, a con-within-a-con for science fiction and fantasy writers. You...  read

Meet Our Readers: Ananda Lima

Ananda Lima's work has appeared in The American Poetry Review,, The Kenyon Review Online, Colorado Review, Rattle, Jubilat, Hobart, The Common, and elsewhere. She has an MA in Linguistics from UCLA and an MFA in Creative Writing in Fiction...  read

Tuesday Funk #136: Feb. 4, 2020

We're getting into the heart of winter here, and Tuesday Funk would like to place "dibs" on your Feb. 4! Join Chicago's favorite eclectic monthly reading series in the upstairs lounge at Hopleaf in Andersonville. We'll have readings by Kelly...  read