Tuesday Funk #10

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Tuesday Funk #10

Please join us for the next reading on Tuesday, February 3rd:  

LYNN SUH: Born in Cambridge (MA), and raised in Paris, Chicago, and Seoul (Korea), Lynn has been a bit of a vagabond with few constants in life - his parents, his violin, and his habit of talking to himself. His poetry reflects his personal reflections on human foibles, aspirations, and dignity, and shows his love of literature, music, and nature. His poetry primarily draws inspiration from Czeslaw Milosz and Rainer Rilke. He holds a bachelors degree from U.C. Berkeley, and a masters degree from the University of Chicago. Presently, he is working both as a part-time tutor and freelance musician, and is hoping to pursue a Ph.D. in philosophy.

JONATHAN WILLIAMS hails from the sleepy state capital of Tallahassee, which he fled to pursue Statistics at the University of Chicago. There he first ran across the Gothic Funk crowd, as well as the U of C Scavenger Hunt. First a participant and later a judge, he still helps out with the Hunt despite having collected two degrees and so losing any further pretense for hanging around campus. His interests include origami, the intelligence community, and forgetting grad school.

HALLIE GORDON is the author of several plays including Imaginary Nostalgia, Trick of the Light and Dry Lightning. She is currently working on a first novel titled Dreaming of Heaven. Hallie is proud to be one of the organizers of Tuesday Funk.
Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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