Reading # 28

November debriefing

If you missed our Tuesday Funk reading for November—which you probably didn't, because we had about our best turnout of all time—but if you were among the unfortunate few who missed out, here are some of the amazing things you...  read

Reminder: Tuesday Funk #28 is tonight!

You voted today—right? right?—so reward yourself this evening. Come out to Hopleaf tonight, Tuesday, November 2nd, for our 28th entry in the theoretically infinite Tuesday Funk reading series. We're bringing you elect poetry and fiction from the likes of Lori...  read

Meet Our Readers: Sondra Morin

Sondra Morin lives in Chicago and is a small town New Englander at heart. She earned her B.A. in English from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and poems have appeared in vis a tergo and Curbside Splendor. When she...  read

Meet Our Readers: Dave Snyder

Dave Snyder is a poet and gardener. Dave's poems have appeared in Quarterly West, Denver Quarterly, Best American Poetry, and elsewhere. Dave has received fellowships and awards from the Illinois Arts Council, the Iowa Review, Writers @ Work, and the...  read

Meet Our Readers: Lori Ann Stephens

Lori Ann Stephens's debut novel, Song of the Orange Moons, will be released in November 2010 by Blooming Tree Press. When she's not writing or teaching writing, she dabbles in gardening, dancing, and eating the best gourmet, home-cooked meals. She...  read

Meet Our Readers: Lauryn Allison Lewis

Lauryn Allison Lewis lives and writes in Evanston, Illinois. Her work has appeared in Bartleby Snopes, Dogzplot, Mad Licks Magazine, the inaugural issue of Chicago Pulp Stories, and most recently, an interview with author Stuart Dybek in Knee Jerk Magazine....  read

Meet Our Readers: Kristin Lueke

Kristin Lueke was born and raised in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California, an experience which in no way prepared her for real life. After graduating from Princeton in 2005, she moved to Chicago for a boy. Normal 21-year-old stuff....  read

Tuesday Funk #28: November 2nd

Our next event, Tuesday, November 2, 2010, features readings from Lori Ann Stephens, Lauryn Allison Lewis, Kristin Lueke, Dave Snyder, and Sondra Morinread
Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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