July 2012

Meet Our Readers: Stacy Bierlein

Stacy Bierlein is the author of the vibrant new story collection A Vacation on the Island of Ex-Boyfriends. She is the editor of the award-winning anthology A Stranger Among Us: Stories of Cross Cultural Collision and Connection (May 2008), and...  read

Seeking submissions for special September 14th reading

Tuesday Funk is proud to be a supporter of the inaugural Chicago Writers Conference, taking place September 14-16 at Tribune Tower. We're even more proud to announce a rare special Friday edition of Tuesday Funk in conjunction with the Chicago...  read

Meet Our Readers: Sara Ross Witt

Sara Ross Witt is a co-producer and co-host of Tuesday Funk and a graduate of The New School MFA in Creative Writing Program. She was raised in Ohio as a psychic by her biological mother, a detail she writes about...  read

Meet Our Readers: Holly McDowell

Holly McDowell lived in Colorado, Georgia and South Carolina before discovering the magical city of Chicago. She can be spotted drinking glögg, searching for the world's best tapas bar, and writing in coffee shops all over the windy city. The...  read

Meet Our Readers: Scott Smith

Scott Smith is 37 years old and the Director of Digital Strategy for Chicago magazine. Scott cites his years attending college in Ohio as his most formative, and his years since, living in Chicago, as his most enriching. In his...  read

Hopleaf Bar is a star!

Tuesday Funk is eternally grateful to Hopleaf Bar for giving us such an atmospheric and welcoming home every month. In return, we'd like to congratulate Michael Roper not just on Hopleaf's recent beautiful expansion, but also on its appearance earlier...  read

Tuesday Funk #47: August 7th

Our next event will take place Tuesday, August 7, 2012, and will include readings from Holly McDowell, Scott Smith, Sara Ross Witt, Jesse Jordan, and Vacation on the Island of Ex-Boyfriends author Stacy Bierlein.  read

Video: William Shunn has no illusions of "Immortality"

As you know, we like to take things easy during the month of July. Therefore on this pre-holiday morning on which we'd normally be mounting a live episode of Tuesday Funk we present instead a poem from nearly a year...  read
Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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