Reading #123
Haiku for a Cold December
Tuesday Funk cohost Andrew Huff read a few of his patented topical haiku at our December show. Trump is "Tariff Man," erasing stock market gains super-villain style. Winter has arrived on ragged wings: cold, spiteful, fall warmth forgotten. Holidays approach,...
December 2018 Debrief
The last Tuesday Funk in 2018 was a lot like the year itself: a roller coaster of emotions. We got started with Funk founder Connor Coyne, who read an excerpt from his new book Urbantasm featuring a once-in-a-teenaged-lifetime laser show....
Meet Our Readers: Rosamund Lannin
The product of nine years in San Francisco and eight years in St. Paul, Rosamund Lannin is pleasantly surprised to have lived in Chicago for over a decade. During that time, she has been published by Internet periodicals, performed stories...
Meet Our Readers: Cesar Torres
Cesar Torres is a novelist, filmmaker and fashion designer. In 2014, novel 13 Secret Cities put him on the map as a genre-defying fantasist, and its brand-new sequel 9 Lords of Night just published this September. This book series is...
Meet Our Readers: Connor Coyne
Connor Coyne is a writer living and working in Flint, Michigan. The first installment of his recent serial novel Urbantasm has been praised by novelist William Shunn as "a novel of wonder and horror." Coyne has also written two novels...
Meet Our Readers: Dayna Bateman
Dayna Bateman is an ecommerce strategist who sometimes writes for obscure trade publications like MultiChannel Merchant and Integrated Solutions for Retailers. Every once in a while she tells true stories at live lit shows around Chicago, and once took home...
Meet Our Readers: James Gordon
James Gordon is from the Southside of Chicago, which he still calls home. He is currently costarring in Amazon's The G as Detective Smiley and will appear in the plays Adult-ish and Behind the Scenes. James also appeared on Episode...
Tuesday Funk #123: December 4, 2018
The holidays are right around the corner, which means there's just one more Tuesday Funk this year. But it's a super good one! Please join us in the upstairs lounge at Hopleaf for readings by James Gordon, Dayna Bateman, Cesar...
About Us
Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. Join us at Hopleaf the first Tuesday of every month.
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