Reading #124

February 2019 Debrief

February showed its teeth on the night of the first Tuesday Funk in 2019 (we took January off because the first Tuesday of the month was the first of the year, remember?), with a warning of freezing rain rattling the...  read

Meet Our Readers: Jasmine Davila

Jasmine Davila has appeared in venues both small and medium sized, reading in live lit shows such as Essay Fiesta, The Skewer, and 20x2. She currently co-produces and co-hosts lady live lit show Miss Spoken, which can be found at...  read

Meet Our Readers: Molia Dumbleton

Molia Dumbleton's fiction has been awarded the Columbia Journal Fiction Prize, Sean O'Faolain Story Prize, Dromineer Flash Fiction Prize, and Kelly Barnhill Microfiction Prize. She has been a Finalist or Runner-Up for The Iowa Short Fiction Award, SmokeLong Quarterly Award,...  read

Meet Our Readers: Mike Puican

Mike Puican has had poems in Poetry, Michigan Quarterly Review, Bloomsbury Review, and New England Review, among others. His essays and reviews have appeared in TriQuarterly, Kenyon Review, and Brevity. He won the 2004 Tia Chucha Press Chapbook Contest for...  read

Meet Our Readers: Eden Robins

Eden Robins writes short fiction, long fiction, short essays, and jokey video scripts for the health insurance industry. Her work has appeared in Apex, Shimmer, USAToday, and the LA Review of Books, and sometimes nice hosts let her perform at...  read

Tuesday Funk #124: February 5, 2019

New year, new you! This is the year you go out and see more live lit and storytelling shows -- starting with Chicago's favorite eclectic monthly reading series, Tuesday Funk! Join us on Tuesday, February 5 in the upstairs lounge...  read
Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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