Reading # 75

Video: Keesha Beckford Reads an Open Letter to a White Mom

At the 75th edition of Tuesday Funk back in November, blogger Keesha Beckford delivered a heartfelt and sobering plea for the safety of black boys, asking for compassion and action from white moms. Tuesday Funk is back in February to...  read

Haiku Gets Spooky

The Nov. 4th edition of Tuesday Funk brought a new crop of topical haiku from co-host Andrew Huff, including a Halloween treat. Your first rule as host is speak clearly. The second is don't forget stuff. Neither snow nor rain...  read

November Debriefing

Ah... remember when we were all rosy-cheeked from voting, that glorious window between filling in those arrows and finding out that everything had gone horribly wrong? Remember how we all went to Tuesday Funk #75 together and had a glorious...  read

Reminder: Tuesday Funk #75 is tonight!

Oh my goodness what a day - doing your civic duty and then getting to check out some sweet live lit? Does it get any better than this? Tuesday Funk #75 is tonight... consider it your reward for participating in...  read

Meet Our Readers: Tom Haley

Tom Haley recently bought a bicycle, and enjoys it, and thinks the single-speed was a good choice, though ideally that gear would be a little bigger, because although it's easy to get going from a dead stop, it's difficult to...  read

Meet Our Readers: Maggie Jenkins

Maggie Jenkins is a comic, storyteller, writer, runner and rapper. She has been a featured storyteller at Tuesday Funk, Write Club, Guts and Glory, Essay Fiesta and Story Club North Side, among others. Maggie is the co-producer of Serving the...  read

Meet Our Readers: Melinda McIntire

Melinda McIntire is the co-founder of Solo in the 2nd City, a blog about dating and relationships. She specializes in writing about dating, sex, and relationships for various publications and editing bad online dating profiles. She lives in Pilsen with...  read

Meet Our Readers: William Shunn

William Shunn is a former host and producer of Tuesday Funk. He lives with his wife Laura Chavoen and their wheaten terrier Ella in New York City, where he writes science fiction. He is working on a short film, Stand...  read

Meet Our Readers: Keesha Beckford

Before her two children re-choreographed her life, Keesha Beckford was a professional dancer who performed in the U.S. and in Europe. Today she teaches modern and jazz dance in the Chicago area. She is also the human cyclone behind the...  read

Tuesday Funk #75 - Nov. 4, 2014

Our next event takes place Tuesday, November 4, 2014, with readings by Tom Haley, Maggie Jenkins, Melinda McIntire, Keesha Beckford, and former co-host William Shunn.  read
Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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