October 2011

Meet Our Readers: Cesar Torres

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Meet Our Readers: Suzanne Clores

Suzanne Clores is a writer and teacher of fiction and memoir. She has an MFA from the University of Arizona and has published articles and stories in print and radio alike. She attempted to do a master cleanse before last...  read

Meet Our Readers: JD Adamski

Normal 0 JD Adamski has had a lot of jobs in his life. From packing trucks 3rd shift in the UPS yards with the ex-cons and tweakers to slinging stouts and rye to hawking vitamins and other panaceas at the...  read

Meet Our Readers: Matt Wood

Normal 0 Matt Wood is a reader, writer, baseball fan, and father of two living in the West Loop. His current day job is playing on Twitter and Facebook all day for a local university, but in a past life he...  read

Video: Two provocative stories for the price of one

Back in August, Julie Rosenthal gave our rabidly attentive audience not one but two provocative short stories to chew on... And if you're panting for more great readings like this one, be sure to join us on Tuesday, November 1st,...  read

Meet Our Readers: Laura Stark

Normal 0 Laura Stark is a sometimes writer and performer and an all-the-time music and travel geek. Her twisty path has taken her from video production assistant to financial consultant to improviser to occupational therapist. Most recently, she completed a...  read

Video: William Shunn predicts next year's World Series

Today is Game 1 of the 2011 World Series, which makes it the perfect day to share co-host William Shunn's predictions for the 2012 World Series. It's gonna be the Cubbies facing off against the Tigers, it's gonna go to...  read

Video: The words of the prophets were written on the studio walls

At our September reading, the charismatic Edison A. Blake regaled us with an opening chapter from his novel The Original Artificial Stud... And if you're hungry for more great readings like this one, be sure to join us on Tuesday,...  read

Video: We'd like to thank all the little people

Back in August, we were delighted to host Eden M. Robins at our microphone, who presented us with this exciting excerpt from her novel-in-progress The Grand Adventure of Aught-Nine... And if you're in the mood for more great readings like...  read

Tuesday Funk #39: November 1st

Our next event will take place on Tuesday, November 1, 2011, and will include readings from Suzanne Clores, J.D. Adamski, Matt Wood, Cesar Torres, and Laura Starkread
Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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