Tuesday Funk #12: Our One Year Anniversary!

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Please join us for the next reading on Tuesday, April 7th:  

ELISABETH BLAIR is a folk vocalist and songwriter. She will be performing as the main vocalist in a performance art piece called "ALAS" May 1, 2, and 3 at Links Hall. For more info, visit www.elisabethblair.net

GINA DiPONIO's work has appeared in Contrary Magazine, Story Week Reader, Traverse Magazine, and others. She teaches literature and writing to every age of student, from 3rd graders to elderly home residents, around Chicago. Any time now, she'll have an MFA in Fiction Writing from Columbia College, Chicago.

WILLIAM SHUNN is a full time writer, known mainly for science fiction. His short fiction has been appearing in the major magazines of the field since 1993, and has spilled beyond the borders of the genre to appear in places like Salon.com and Storyteller Magazine. He's a past nominee for the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award (twice), and the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award. Six of his stories were collected in a 2007 chapbook called An Alternate History of the 21st Century. His first novel, Cast a Cold Eye (co-authored with Canadian SF writer Derryl Murphy), will appear sometime late this year from PS Publishing. He's hard at work on a science fiction novel for young adults, called Technomancers. For more info visit his website: https://www.shunn.net.
Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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