Tuesday Funk #0!

First of all, I’d like to announce that Tuesday Funk will take a much needed break in August. But it will be back on the first Tuesday of September.

Now then, an explanation of the title of the post:

Traditionally, comics and magazines with the volume number set to zero are meant to be explanations of the origins of the series. All is supposed to be revealed. However, in this case, I use it in the “Pol Potian” (word?) way to mean “making a new start.”

Pol Pot Envy

As announced at July’s Tuesday Funk, I, your friendly neighborhood Reinhardt Suarez, will no longer be hosting this exciting and intrepid reading series (every first Tuesday of the month at Hopleaf Bar–check it out!). I cannot express how fun it has been to see this reading grow into what it is, and how fun it has been to help it along in the minuscule ways that I have.

click to view - mousewheel to zoom

But fear not! Though we were hoping LeBron would actually sign with us, we did have a backup plan. And that involved sending me, two draft picks to be named later, a collection of Stevie Nicks CDs, and three large pepperoni pizzas to an undisclosed reading in far-flung Minneapolis for the rights to Sara Ross, a veteran host from such illustrious places as New York City (city of glamor and fame!) and Washington D.C. (city of knife fights and jowly men in suits making bad decisions with ill-gotten gains!)

click to view - mousewheel to zoom
He broke our hearts, too. Tonight, we are all Cleveland.

Sara, along with Tuesday Funk stalwart, Hallie Palladino, will continue to bring you eclectic nights of fiction, essays, and poetry at the same TF-time and same TF-channel. So please stay tuned.

*Cue sunset, me walking toward it, and finding out that it’s a matte painting.*