November debriefing

Song of the Orange Moons.jpg - click to view - mousewheel to zoom
If you missed our Tuesday Funk reading for November—which you probably didn't, because we had about our best turnout of all time—but if you were among the unfortunate few who missed out, here are some of the amazing things you didn't see:

Sondra Morin knocked our socks off with poems from her new chapbook Inviting the Expanse (which we were able to buy direct from her, but which you can pick up at Quimby's, The Boring Store, or Transistor for a mere five bones).

Kristin Lueke melted our faces with her poetry, some of which you can read here.

Lauryn Allison Lewis froze our blood with her short story "Bear vs. Snake," which only means you should not miss her when she debuts her mixed-media-performance-art-reading this coming Sunday, November 14, at Come Home Chicago at Underground Wonder Bar.

Dave Snyder rattled our bones and our brains with his erudite poems, which you probably won't read in his rooftop farming blog at the Huffington Post.

And Lori Ann Stephens, our special guest from Texas, brought the house down with excerpts from her novel Song of the Orange Moons, excerpts we can't ... er ... really describe to you without saying that you had to be there. But you can lay hands on her novel (which comes out November 16) at Amazon or Barnes & Noble and fill yourself in.

So that's what you missed at the last Tuesday Funk. The good news is that we'll be back at Hopleaf on Tuesday, December 7 with an all-new slate of readers, including Johanna Stein, Fraser Coffeen, Naomi Buck Palagi and more. We'll have further announcements about the December lineup soon, but mark your calendars now. You won't want to be left out in the cold next month!  

Tuesday Funk

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Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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