Born in a tragically small town in Illinois, Edison Blake spent his earliest years larking about in a dog pen built by his doting daddy in the backyard of their tiny house. After a while, the realization that he would have to go to school if they expected him to be housebroken led to enrollment in a succession of parochial, public and private schools, none of which was able to provide a cure. Fortunately, he learned to read--even more fortunately, at a formative age, someone gave him a pencil and a few scraps of only slightly used paper. He has been, ever since, doggedly scribbling lines one word after another with the same honest terror and attention to detail that guides a tightrope artist walking the line one foot after the other.
Now, a technologist, musician and writer living in Wisconsin, he tends his own garden, and revels in the joys attendant upon being a family man. His novel, The Original Artificial Stud is available at and other online bookseller. His latest flash fiction pieces are currently up online at The Big Time, a raunchy little rock and roll episode, is taken from a week in the many years Edison spent playing rock and roll up and down Clark street in good ol' Chi town.
Though he is no longer a dog, and though he is, thankfully, housebroken, he is not, in any other sense, broken.
His recently completed novel, Undead Vikings in Love, will be available soon. Keep watching the skies!