Meet Our Readers: Mary Anne Mohanraj

Mary Anne Mamohanraj.jpg - click to view - mousewheel to zoom
Mary Anne Mohanraj is author of Bodies in Motion (HarperCollins) and nine other titles. Bodies in Motion was a finalist for the Asian American Book Awards, a USA Today Notable Book, and has been translated into six languages.

Previous titles include Aqua Erotica and Wet (two erotica anthologies edited for Random House), Kathryn in the City and The Classics Professor (two erotic
choose-your-own-adventure novels, Penguin), and The Best of Strange Horizons. Mohanraj founded the World Fantasy Award-winning and Hugo-nominated magazine Strange Horizons. She was Guest of Honor at WisCon 2010, received a Breaking Barriers Award from the Chicago Foundation for Women for her work in Asian American arts organizing,and won an Illinois Arts Council Fellowship in Prose.

Mohanraj has taught at the Clarion SF/F workshop, and is now Clinical Assistant Professor of fiction and literature and Associate Director of Asian and Asian American Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She serves as Executive Director of both DesiLit ( and the Speculative Literature Foundation (

Recent publications include "Talking to Elephants" (Abyss & Apex) and "Jump Space" (Thoughtcrime Experiments). She lives in a creaky old Victorian in Oak Park, just outside Chicago, with her partner, Kevin, two small children, and a sweet dog.

Join Tuesday Funk April 3 at 7:30 p.m. at Hopleaf's upstairs bar to hear Mary Anne read!