Meet Our Readers: Jennifer Schaefer

Jennifer Schaefer was born in nineteen seventy-something in Waukegan. She grew up in Illinois and Wisconsin, but spent her roaring twenties in London, where she lived in youth hostels, an assortment of squalid flats, a rundown old pub, and worked such varied jobs as barmaid, singer in a punk band, TV extra, financial advisor and fashion model. You can read a chapter from her recently completed novel, The Salamander's Slipper, in the Spring 2012 print issue of Curbside Splendor literary journal. She's currently seeking a home for this book while working on a second, a supernatural adventure story set in a Renaissance faire. You can find her online at, and in-the-flesh in Evanston, where she's happily encumbered with a limey husband and their two lovely sprogs.  
Tuesday Funk

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Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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