October debriefing

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You're forgiven if you decided to take a pass on out most recent episode of Tuesday Funk at Hopleaf—our United States of Horror edition. Yes, in honor of the ghastly month of October, we presented an evening of horror stories by local Chicago, and there wasn't an unchilled spine in the house.

We started things off with Stoker Award winner John Everson, who brought us not only an excerpt from his terrifying new novel NightWhere, but also read us the story of a young man who pays a steep price for his decidedly unnatural attachments to pumpkins. And then Cynthia (cina) Pelayo, made us think as well as cringe with a pair of shivery and evocative stories from her fine collection Loteria.

And finally, after a break for beer, The Colin & Ishmael Players presented us with a Tuesday Funk first—an extended live dramatic reading of co-host William Shunn's creepy horror tale "Colin and Ishmael in the Dark."

But if you missed out, don't despair. We'll be bringing you haunting video clips from the evening over the days leading up to Halloween, and then we'll be back on November 6th with our Election Night Edition featuring Jac Jemc, Mary Lorenz, B. E. Pinkham, Kelly Swails, and Mary Zemaitis.. Be sure cast your vote that night ... for Tuesday Funk!  

Tuesday Funk

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Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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