Tuesday Funk #63: November 5, 2013

For November's Tuesday Funk, we've put together an all-star lineup so fabulous it just might pop your dome. The roster will feature Paul McComas & Greg Starrett, Vojislav Pejović, J.H. Palmer, John Rich, and Rosamund Lannin. Throw in one of our patented Poems by Bill and a fistful of Haiku by Andrew, not to mention your pick of cold beers from around the world, and you've got all the ingredients for a classic evening of Chicago entertainment.

The evening gets underway with your hosts William Shunn and Andrew Huff on Tuesday, November 5th, 2013, 7:30 pm, in the upstairs lounge at Hopleaf, 5148 N. Clark St., Chicago. Arrive early for a table and grab a beer from Mark at the bar (where credit cards are now accepted!). We start seating at 7:00 pm and no earlier. Admission is always free, but you must be 21 or older. And come early or stay late after for some great Belgian-style food downstairs.

Please bring plenty of friends, and become a fan of Tuesday Funk on Facebook so you never miss an invitation to one of our readings. See you there!

Tuesday Funk #63, November 5, 2013

Due to a scheduling conflict, J.H. Palmer will appear in place of Joseph O'Sullivan on November 5th. This post has been edited to reflect the change. Joseph O'Sullivan will appear at a future episode of Tuesday Funk.  

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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