January Debriefing

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After nearly 48 hours of Arctic windchills, we certainly weren't expecting a standing-room-only event, but that was what we got! Spectacular turnout for the first Tuesday Funk of 2014, and some spectacular readers to boot. Christopher Sweet started us off right with a funny and bittersweet story of the lasting effects of a repressive childhood, complete with references to both Job and Bluebeard. Kelly Swails followed with a compelling Depression-era story of loss, regret, and fortune-telling. Our regular feature Haiku by Andrew had us all chuckling at our weather woes. Christa Desir rounded out the inning with a dark sex scene from her edgy 'Sid & Nancy' YA novel, Bleed Like Me.

As Christa warned us, we all needed a drink after her reading. Following a brief intermission where we threw ourselves at Mark, we were introduced to new co-host Eden Robins' first micro-essay about fecal transplant follies. Jasmine Davila spoke from the heart about growing up in the foster system and struggling to find herself. Ryan Bartelmay finished us off with a couple of funny and pathos-filled excerpts from his novel Onward Toward What We're Going Toward, all about what it means when one's talent turns out to be haiku.

That's all she wrote! If you missed Tuesday Funk, don't do it again! It was an incredibly special evening, and we're doing it again on Tuesday, February 4th, 2014 with Mare Swallow, Cameron McGill, Tom Underberg, Amelia Beamer, and Chuck Sudo!  

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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