Meet Our Readers: Amelia Beamer

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Amelia Beamer writes science fiction, fantasy, and horror novels & stories and has spent the past few years in the UK, Australia, Japan, Germany, Ireland, and Iceland. She is the author of The Loving Dead, the number two zombie novel of the past decade according to Barnes & Noble. Her most recent short fiction appears in Psychos: Serial Killers, Depraved Madmen, and the Criminally Insane, and Zombies vs Robots: Women on War! Amelia works as an editor for Shueisha English Edition, a new general imprint of popular Japanese titles translated into English, available from the Sony Reader Store.

Please join Amelia and all our first-rate, zombie-loving readers on Tuesday, February 4th, 2014, upstairs at Hopleaf at 7:30 pm. This 21-and-older event is free.  

Tuesday Funk

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Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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