February Debriefing

As co-host Andrew Huff said in this poignant haiku:

Snow, snow, snow, snow, snow,
Snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow.
Sweet lord, no more snow.

Surprise! It snowed. But that didn't keep our intrepid literature and beer lovers away from Tuesday Funk! It was standing-room only... packed to the gills in our warm little room, and Mark hustled to and fro, granting our every boozy wish.

Mare Swallow set the bar high with her rousing (and arousing) tale of a rebound love affair with Billy Crystal's stunt double. Then Cameron McGill stepped up to the mic and stunned us with his evocative and lyrical poems about illness, love, and avocadoes. Co-host Eden Robins reassured us all with her micro-essay about how our weird sexual fantasies are actually what make us normal. And Tom Underberg delivered a knock-out with a dark fantasy story about the legendary tree-punchers of northern Wisconsin.

Then it was time for more beer.

Andrew pulled us back in with his snow-related gallows humor and a few other haiku about the perils of technology. Chuck Sudo followed with a humorous and touching tale about learning to ice skate as a grown-up. And Amelia Beamer finished us off right with an excerpt from her book about... what else... horny zombies.

And then it was over. We cried, we wrote "K.I.T" in each others' yearbooks, even though we knew there was no way to recreate what we had that fateful Tuesday night. But don't worry! We're doing it all over again on Tuesday, March 4th, 2014, with fabulous readers Joseph O'Sullivan, Naomi Buck Palagi, Nikki Pill, Wendy McClure, and Laura Adamczyk. Don't miss it!  

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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