March Debriefing

In traditional Mardi Gras fashion, Tuesday Funk #67 featured elaborate floats, the exchange of plastic beads for glimpses of nudity, and the consumption of King Cake.

Well, the last part is true, anyway. Co-host Andrew Huff brought two genuine King Cakes for our enjoyment, and luckily, no one ate the baby.

Joe O'Sullivan got us laughing with his all-too-true tales of life in cubicle farm drudgery. Co-host Eden Robins regaled us with a story of ancient demi-gods fighting with one another for supremacy over the Northwest Suburbs. And Naomi Buck Palagi rounded out the first half with her awesome collection of "rock"-in poems, ie poems about rocks.

We all grabbed some King Cake and some brewskies from the ever-faithful Mark, and then it was time for round two. Co-host Andrew Huff told us about the weather in haiku format, and then Laura Adamczyk gave us a lively, modern interpretation of Chekhov's gun. Wendy McClure finished us off with a tale of her visit to Walnut Grove, MN, home of the Laura Ingalls Wilder festivals, and the wackiness she encountered there.

And then, like all good Mardi, we stumbled home, full of cake and beer, regret for our behavior merely a twinkle on tomorrow's horizon, ready to do it all again next month.

Speaking of next month -- don't miss it! Tuesday, April 1st, we've got Letitia Moffitt, Brooke Wonders, Cesar Torres, Amy Sumpter, and Jill Howe. No foolin'!  

Tuesday Funk

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Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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