April Debriefing

Spring might have felt like a cruel April Fool's joke, but Tuesday Funk #68 was all real, baby. Cesar Torres gave us a glimpse into his soon-to-be-released serial novel The 13 Secret Cities with a breathless chase scene in a dystopian Chicago. Letitia Moffitt read a humorous and bittersweet story of a young woman changing her appearance to forget her past, from her novel-in-stories Sidewalk Dancing. Co-host Andrew Huff shamed Chicago for its 4% primary turnout in haiku. And Amy Sumpter rounded out the first half with the true trials and tribulations of a Girl Scout roadtrip gone horribly wrong.

Beers were had.

Co-host Eden Robins made us all think about aging with her micro-essay. Brooke Wonders took the stage with two stories - a horror love story (is there any other?) and one about writing, if stories were wild animals. And finally, Jill Howe chilled us to the bone and then warmed our hearts with her scary, sweet, funny, sad tale of teaching at CPS.

We tried to hold onto the moment for as long as we could, but all good nights must end. That doesn't mean we can't have another! Join us on May 6th for Tuesday Funk #69, featuring James Finn Garner, Melissa Wiley, Gint Aras, Jeremy Owens, and Dustin Monk!  

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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