June Debriefing

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Holy moly, folks. I certainly hope you didn't miss this month's Tuesday Funk, because if you did... you are a CHUMP. We started off fast and furious with Ted Goeglein's true story of robbing a strip joint and then, remorsefully, trying to give the money back. You'd think that would be a tough act to follow, but then Claire Zulkey nailed it with a tale of decadence and mystery... with a touch of life-swapping. Co-host Andrew Huff dropped some sweet haiku on us, and then Patricia Skalka cleaned up the first half with a teasing and sinister excerpt from her novel Death Stalks Door County.

There was much schmooze and drinking of booze.

After the break, co-host Eden Robins made us worry about her sanity with her micro-essay, and then former TF co-host Sara Ross Witt charmed and alarmed us with the story of some kids who accidentally watched a porn about goat-men. Finally, Ted McClelland had us all agape when he talked about his now-posthumously-famous neighbor, street photographer Vivian Maier.

You just had to be there. Hopefully you'll be there next month on July 1st when we have fabulous readers Lisa Kirchner, Norm Doucet, Evan Okun, Sheri Reda, and Julia Gray!  

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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