July Debriefing

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Whoa. Just whoa. I am running out of exclamations for the amazingness of our readers. July was no exception. Why do you keep missing this show? Was it something I said? Come to the next one... I'll buy you a beer (I probably won't buy you a beer).

Sheri Reda revved our engines with a funny/scary rant about food and the chemicals therein. Norm Doucet tugged at our heartstrings with a story of his post-9/11 experiences in the Marines. Co-host Eden Robins tried to pick up the pieces of our broken hearts with a micro-essay on her own cultural incompetence while traveling. And then Evan Okun blasted our minds and bodies to smithereens with his potent rhymes about justice and addiction and social injustice.

Whew. It was time for a breather. Mark tried to keep up with our collective desire for liquor.

After the break, co-host Andrew Huff skewered Rahm and SCOTUS alike with his haiku, and then Lisa White shared some totally relatable stories about internet trolls, and Lisa Kirchner finished us off with an excerpt from her memoir about living in Qatar.

Like I said before. Whoa. Won't you come see us in August for another "whoa"-worthy show? We've got Hannah Gamble, David Daskal, Leah Thomas, Christine Simokaitis, and Britt Julious on August 5th!  

Tuesday Funk

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Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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