Meet Our Readers: Amanda Claire Buckley

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Amanda Claire Buckley is a self-proclaimed troubadour. Her storytelling, music, and writing as taken her across the country--from Chicago to New York to DC--and abroad. She's performed live-lit at Essay Fiesta, Write Club, Is This a Thing, StoryClub, Story Lab, and with the kates. She's written and produced shows that have played at The Annoyance and Stage 773. She was a Next Generation Scholarship Recipient for the National Storytelling Network and her show The Out of Tooners was named a "Favorite Show of the Fringe" at the Capital Fringe Festival in Washington, DC. She also forgot to buy cat litter last weekend.

Please join Amanda and all our amazing readers on Tuesday, September 1, 2015, upstairs at Hopleaf at 7:30 pm. This 21-and-older event is free.  

Tuesday Funk

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Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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