February debriefing

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What a night! What a show! It was another standing room-only night at the ol' Hopleaf! Joshua Landsman set us in motion with his very first public reading - a fable of love and poor judgment from his book of fables, accompanied on the guitar by his son. Then Jasmine Davila talked to us about the pros of turning 40 and getting to do whatever you want. And Tom Underberg wrapped up the first half with a haunting and chilling story about a girl haunted by a murder in the dead of winter.

During intermission, Jason helped us quench our thirsts.

Co-host Eden Robins read a microessay about her various forays into therapy, and then co-host Andrew Huff read an essay about attention spans and haiku... followed by a few of his signature haiku! And finally, Alex Shakar finished us off strong with a funny and heartfelt story about the relationship between a woman and her dead lover.

We laughed, we learned, we cheered the fact that we did not have to endure a blizzard this year. And we'll be back next month on Tuesday, March 1 with Kelly Swails, Felix Jung, Mark Borowski, Matt Fogarty, and Rosamund Lannin!  

Tuesday Funk

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Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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