March debriefing

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Super Tuesday may be super, but it can't hold a candle to Tuesday Funk. Matt Fogarty put us in the right mood with his stories about space traveling dinosaurs and going to the moon in a barrel, and then Felix Jung mellowed us out with his wistful poems about love, death, and other juicy poetry stuff. Then Rosamund Lannin finished off the half with a meditation on the many meanings of fear and failure.

Bartender Alex filled our glasses expertly.

After the half, co-host Andrew Huff read his well-loved haiku, and then Kelly Swails entertained us with a chapter from her new book about a school for world domination, This May Go on your Permanent Record. Finally, Mark Borowsky had us roaring with his essay about his obsession with watching sports and how the many-worlds interpretation gives him comfort.

Here's a tip: Take a break from politics to make and support art. Your brain deserves better than Trump! So come see us next month, on Tuesday, April 5 with Joe Meno, Robert Loerzel, Jessi DiBartolomeo, James Finn Garner, and Lily Be!  

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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