Meet Our Readers: Vojislav Pejovic

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Vojislav Pejovic (1972, Montenegro, former Yugoslavia) is a neurobiologist by training. His second book, American Sfumato (a novella in nine stories), was published in Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia and is being considered for the Mesa Selimovic Prize, the most prestigious annual award for a novel published in Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia. The book was also a bilingual project, with four stories appearing (or about to appear) in US literary journals. He also wrote a few movie scripts and published translations of Charles Simic's poetry. Vojislav lives in Evanston, IL, with his wife and their two sons.

Please join Vojislav and all our amazing readers on Tuesday, August 2, 2016, upstairs at Hopleaf at 7:30 pm. This 21-and-older event is free.  

Tuesday Funk

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Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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