Special Show! Tuesday Funk @ Lit Crawl Chicago

Tuesday Funk will be participating in Lit Crawl Chicago on Thursday, Aug. 18! Join us in our usual space (Hopleaf, 5148 N. Clark St.) on an unusual day (Thursday) for a slightly abbreviated version of your favorite eclectic reading series. We'll be featuring readings by Jasmine Davila, James "GPA" Gordon, Steve Bellinger and Rosamund Lannin, and it all starts at 8:15pm sharp!

Come by at 7pm and watch a special episode of live lit/sketch comedy show Cassandra, and stay afterward for Quit it! Ma, They're Looking at Me! at 9:30pm! It's all free, and open to anyone 21 or older.

Learn more about Lit Crawl Chicago, and remember to RSVP on Facebook. See you there!  

Tuesday Funk @ Lit Crawl Chicago, Aug. 18, 2016
Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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