Meet Our Readers: Naomi Buck Palagi

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Naomi Buck Palagi was raised in the woods of central Kentucky, and lives in Northwest Indiana now after several years in Chicago. She's published a variety of experimental and more traditional poetry in journals such as Moria, Spoon River Review, Masque & Spectacle, Requited, and others. She has two chapbooks, silver roof tantrum from dancing girl press, and Darkness in the Tent from the Dusie Kollectiv. Her first book, Stone, is just out from BlazeVOX books.

Please join Naomi and our other amazing readers on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 in the upstairs bar at Hopleaf. Doors open at 7pm, and the show starts at 7:30. It's free, and 21-and-over. RSVP on Facebook.  

Tuesday Funk

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Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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