March Debriefing

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We had a blast at Tuesday Funk #103 on March 7! The show truly lived up to its tagline, with an eclectic lineup that covered the breadth of literary genres.

First, Edward McClelland gave us a lesson on the Chicago accent from his book How to Speak Midwestern,then Steve Bellinger read an excerpt from his science fiction novel, The Chronocar. Naomi Buck Palagi closed out the first half with a reading of poems, including one that involved two additional readers.

After the intermission, Lori Barrett read a funny short story about puppy love, and host Andrew Huff recited a couple topical haiku. Tori Szekeres closed the show with the story of an embarrassing typo made all too permanent.

We'll be back on Tuesday, April 4 for Episode #104, featuring readings by Felix Jung, Tracy Harford-Porter, Melissa Wiley, Kellye Howard and Nestor Gomez. Hope to see you there!  

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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