April 2017 Debriefing

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A misty April evening greeted the live lit faithful on their journey to Tuesday Funk on April 4, 2017. Felix Jung set the mood with a collection of poems, then Melissa Wiley carried it forward with a short story about baking and desire. Tracy Harford-Porter closed out the first half with a story about sisters.

We took a quick break to refill our drinks, and Nestor Gomez told two fun stories -- one about finding his sports niche as a Guatemalan immigrant in a Chicago high school, the other about a flashback while putting a new stereo in his car. Cohost Andrew Huff read some topical haiku, and Kellye Howard read an essay about her existential struggles as a young mother.

We'll be back in action on Tuesday, May 2 at Hopleaf, with readings from Mikki Kendall, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Anne Elizabeth Moore, Mare Swallow and Alicia Swiz. Please join us!  

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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