January 2018 Debrief

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>January 2 was the coldest night for Tuesday Funk in quite awhile, but that didn't stop a full house from showing up for Chicago's favorite eclectic reading series. And they were rewarded with some fantastic live lit.

Marcus Emanuel led off with a true story about what might have been a selkie. Next, Emma Terhaar read a short essay about making croissants and a couple of poems. Then Cameron McGill knocked us back with a set of spellbinding poetry, and we took a break to reflect and refill our drinks.

When we returned, cohost Andrew Huff shared a couple of his trademark seasonal haiku, and then Emily Belden read an essay about reconsidering her policy on forgiveness. Lastly, Jac Jemc told a tale of a couple looking for new friends to double date with.

Join us in the upstairs lounge at Hopleaf on Tuesday, February 6 when we'll feature readings by Molly Rafferty, Rachel Hinton, Molly Dumbleton, Lindsay Porter and Dave Reidy. Hope to see you there!  

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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