December 2019 Debrief

author Katey Schultz reads at Tuesday Funk  - click to view - mousewheel to zoom
With memories of Thanksgiving feasts still fresh in everyone's minds, Chicago's favorite eclectic monthly reading series assembled in the upstairs bar at Hopleaf on Dec. 3 for Tuesday Funk's last show of 2019.

We kicked the night off listening to Anne-Marie Ooman share a poem she wrote for Lake Michigan Mermaid: A Tale in Poems (which she cowrote with with Linda Nemec Foster) and a story about Catholic school sex-ed from her memoir Love, Sex and 4-H. Next, Rachel Cromidas read an essay about not getting the traditional post-breakup haircut, and what that's meant to her. Then Ruth Kaufman read the opening scene from her novel My Life as a Star.

After an intermission during which we refilled our drinks and talked about the first half, Katey Schultz shared several excerpts from her novels Flashes of War and the new Still Come Home. Next, cohost Eden Robins offered a quick bit of satirical fiction, and finally Norman Doucet read an essay about the differences between race and culture.

Everyone had a great time, and promised to be back in 2020 for more. Want to join us? Your next opportunity is Tuesday, Jan. 7, when we'll feature readings by Dmitry Samarov, Darshita Jain, Michael Palmer, Maggie Queeney and Cameron McGill. Hope to see you there!  

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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