Likes : Page 2

Tuesday Funk likes 8 x 8

A few weeks ago, Andrew Huff of Gapers Block issued a fascinating challenge to Tuesday Funk co-host William Shunn: to take a piece of original poster art by Chad Kouri and produce a piece of writing of between 1,500 and...  read

Less than 36 hours to help the Chicago Writers Conference

You may be sick of hearing about this, Funkers, but you have less than 36 hours left to help fund the Kickstarter campaign for this September's Chicago Writers Conference. They still have more than $1,500 to raise to meet their...  read

Tuesday Funk congratulates Alex Shakar!

Tuesday Funk sends its heartiest congratulations to Chicago's own Alex Shakar, whose novel Luminarium was awarded the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for fiction this past Friday evening! Alex will be joining us on June 5th to read from Luminarium,...  read

The Chicago Writers Conference REALLY needs your help

Hi, Funkers. We're not going to make another long pitch here. We're just going to note that, if you're a writer in Chicago, you need the Chicago Writers Conference. And the Chicago Writers Conference needs you back. Only five days...  read

Tuesday Funk likes the Chicago Writers Conference!

Chicago is getting its own down-home writers conference! The Chicago Writers Conference will take place September 14-16 at Tribune Tower in beautiful downtown Chicago. Speakers and presenters include Chuck Sambuchino, Robert K. Elder, and Cinnamon Cooper, while special readings will...  read

Tuesday Funk likes Ian Belknap

Yearning for a fix of that good funny shit this weekend, Funkers? You know, a taste to tide you over until our amazing 42nd episode next Tuesday? You couldn't do any better than to check out Ian Belknap tomorrow night...  read

Tuesday Funk likes The Writers Workspace

Hey, Chicago writers! Did you start the new year with a resolution to get going on that novel of yours, or on that major article? Do you need a quiet place to write as part of your freelance work, or...  read

Tuesday Funk likes the Skull and Spine Workshop

Attention, aspiring writers! We interrupt this Christmas Eve to bring you an important message about skulls and spines. No, it's not The Nightmare Before Christmas. It's the Skull & Spine Workshop, taught by two-time Tuesday Funk reader Suzanne Clores. It...  read

William Shunn to read at Essay Fiesta on Monday

We just want to give you a quick heads-up that your Tuesday Funk co-host William Shunn will be appearing as part of the Essay Fiesta reading series at The Book Cellar in Lincoln Square this coming Monday, December 19th, at...  read

Still time to bid on Bill's memoir and help a worthy cause!

Hey, Funkers, there's still time to bid in the auction we told you about yesterday afternoon. You have a little over eight hours left to get a bid in if you want to be one of the first by far...  read
Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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