Brad Beaulieu book launch this afternoon in Milwaukee

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We'll have more to tell you about Bradley P. Beaulieu in the next week or so, since he'll be part of our upcoming Tuesday Funk reading on May 3rd. But in case you're near Milwaukee today and need something fun to do, we wanted to let you know about this afternoon's book launch party for Brad's new epic fantasy novel, The Winds of Khalakovo.

Drop by the Boswell Book Company in Milwaukee this afternoon, Saturday, April 23rd, from 2:00 to 3:00 pm, where Brad will be reading from The Winds of Khalakovo and signing copies.

Then stop by the informal after-party at Cafe Hollander from 3:00 to 5:00 pm for music, food, and a rapid-fire reading with some of Brad's writing buddies. We hear there will also be a raffle with all kinds of cool swag to win! (For more info about the launch and after-party, click here.)

Winds is already garnering raves from the likes of Publishers Weekly and Library Journal, so don't miss your chance to pick up a signed copy and party with the up-and-coming author.

And be sure not to miss Brad and the rest of our monstrously talented crew May 3rd at Hopleaf in Chicago!  

Tuesday Funk

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Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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