Meet Our Readers: Tim W. Brown

Tim W. Brown was born and raised in Rockford, Illinois. In 1983 he graduated summa cum laude from Northern Illinois University with a degree in American studies. He is the author of four novels, Deconstruction Acres (1997), Left of the Loop (2001), Walking Man (2008), and Second Acts (2010), which won the 2010 London Book Festival Award for General Fiction.

Brown's fiction, poetry and nonfiction have appeared in over two hundred publications, including Another Chicago Magazine, The Bloomsbury Review, The Brooklyn Rail, Chelsea, Chiron Review, Colorado Review, The Ledge, Main Street Rag, New Observations, Oyez Review, Pleiades, Poetry Project Newsletter, Rain Taxi Review of Books, Rockford Review, Slipstream, Small Press Review and Storyhead. He is a member of the National Book Critics Circle, specializing in reviewing small-press books, and he has received literature grants from the Illinois Arts Council, the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs, Poets & Writers, and the National Writer's Voice, as well as a fellowship from the Ragdale Foundation.

A long-time resident of Chicago, where he was a fixture in that city's literary scene as a writer, performer, and publisher of the poetry zine Tomorrow Magazine (1982-1999), Brown moved to New York in 2003. He currently earns his living as a writer at Bloomberg LP.

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Tuesday Funk

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Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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