June debriefing

The Wellspring 2011 gang at Hopleaf - click to view - mousewheel to zoom

If you missed our Science Fiction Sextuple Feature this past Tuesday night, you missed a brisk, funny, and exciting evening with some of today's upcoming and best writers of speculative fiction. That's right, we were joined upstairs at Hopleaf by the members of the Wellspring Workshop, who took a break from an intense week of critiquing novels to read for us and our excellent audience.

Kelly Swails kicked things off with a tantalizing excerpt from her time-travel story "A Portrait in Time." Gregory A. Wilson thrilled us with the creatures in his novel-in-progress Icarus (featured in the video below). Vincent Jorgensen showed us a near future dominated by internet search giant Pood!e. And Holly McDowell moved us with an excerpt from her novel-in-progress, Farah Minor.

Tuesday Funk in Time Out Chicago - click to view - mousewheel to zoom

After a break to let our audience visit John at the bar, co-host William Shunn read his poem "The Lunar Night, Chicago." Sarah K. Castle brought us terrifyingly face-to-face with "The Mutant Stag at Horn Creek." And Brenda Cooper—after giving away a copy of Year's Best SF 16 to one of the non-SF readers in our audience—showed us what happens when a young girl in a post-apocalypse Pacific Northwest no longer wants to remain "In Their Garden."

In short, it was the kind of quality evening you've come to expect from Tuesday Funk. We're taking the month of July off, but please join us next on August 2nd for an evening with Tegan Jones, Sondra Morin, Eden M. Robins, Julie Rosenthal, Jerry Schwartz and Karen Skalitzky. You won't want to miss it!  

Tuesday Funk

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Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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