Meet Our Readers: William Shunn

William Shunn and the Curse of the Second Pyramid - click to view - mousewheel to zoom

You know William Shunn as a co-host of Tuesday Funk, the guy who does those wacky poems every month. But he's also a blogger, a podcaster, a programmer, a designer, an inventor, a collector, a cabinetmaker, a bowler, a moviegoer, a foodie, a traveler, a tinkerer, a priest, an atheist, a curmudgeon, a felon, a photographer, a chauffeur, a skeptic, a rube, a ruffian, a layabout, a lurker, a dilettante, a poseur, a pundit, a primate, an ancestor, an earthling, an alien, a canvas, a convenience, an improvisation, an illusion, and occasionally a writer.

His latest project is a young-adult science fiction novel which currently goes by the name Waking Vishnu, and which you can read a very brief snippet from here. He also wishes you would bug him more about going to the gym.

Please join us to hear Bill read an actual short story on Tuesday, January 3, 2012, at 7:30 pm in Hopleaf's upstairs bar, together with our great lineup of Stephen Markley, Lawrence Santoro, Holly McDowell, and Christopher Sweet!  

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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