July debriefing

The remarkable Daniel Kraus reads from his novel SCOWLER at Tuesday Funk - click to view - mousewheel to zoom

It was standing room only for last week's edition of Tuesday Funk at Hopleaf, and the delighted crowd alternately sobbed with laughter, groaned in revulsion, and wept into their beers. It was as fine a Funk as you can imagine, all credit to our great readers. If you couldn't attend, let's recap what you missed.

We kicked off the fun with Kendra Stevens, who hilariously showed us what it means to grow up a scrappy trailer-park kid. Eden M. Robins followed that up with an excerpt from a short story about a very funny and puzzling afterlife, modeled after an Automat. An interstitial Poem by Bill, "Coney Island Lifeguard Blues," painted a portrait of an angry young man and his angry young hand on the New York City subway. And co-host Andrew Huff brought us a deft series of fake restaurant and cultural reviews from the pages of Gapers Block.

After a break for beer and a few timely Haiku by Andrew, horror writer Bill Breedlove related the strange, entertaining, and unsettling tale of two children's television employees and a witch. And finally, award-winning YA writer Daniel Kraus closed out our program with a terrific excerpt from his latest novel, Scowler.

All in all, it was an amazing night, but if you couldn't be there, don't despair. We'll bring you plenty of video excerpts in the weeks to come, and then we'll top ourselves yet again on Tuesday, August 6, 2013, with a program featuring Bradley P. Beaulieu, Jac Jemc, Steven H Silver, Maggie Jenkins, and Dmitry Samarov. Don't miss it!  

Tuesday Funk

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Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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