Meet Our Readers: Rayshauna Gray

rayshauna gray - click to view - mousewheel to zoom
Rayshauna Gray enjoys reading, writing, and doing fun stuff with her friends. She's jazzed about her work with Harvard, the Cambridge Historical Society, Boston Book Festival, and the National Organization for Women's legislative task force. When she's not chronicling life lessons, she's petting dogs and trying to get birds to come home with her.

Please join Rayshauna and our other amazing readers on Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020, on the Tuesday Funk YouTube channel. The show starts at 7:30 pm. It's free, and 21-and-over. RSVP on Facebook, and hope to see you there!.  

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic Chicago reading series, hosted by Andrew Huff and Eden Robins, showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry, essays and performance. Join us next on Tuesday, May 7, 7:30 p.m. at Hopleaf, 5148 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60640. Admission is free.


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