November 2013 : Page 2
Andrew Huff delivers November haiku
At our November 5th edition of Tuesday Funk, co-host Andrew Huff delivered another fistful of his patented seasonal haiku, and it sounded just a little like this... My lack of sideburns, like so many surprises, is temporary. Man and woman...
William Shunn makes like a Zen typist
At our November 5th edition of Tuesday Funk, co-host William Shunn brought us a brief little poem called "Fiction Wants to Be Free," and it sounded just a bit like this... And if you enjoyed that, please come out to...
Andrew Huff treats us with October haiku
At our October 1st edition of Tuesday Funk, co-host Andrew Huff delivered a fistful of his patented seasonal haiku, and it sounded just a little like this... October is now Chicago Artists Month, but what about the rest? Fall in...
Tuesday Funk #64: December 3, 2013
Eight times eight is sixty-four, so it only seems fair that we square the circle at our 64th big episode and bid farewell to longtime co-host William Shunn. The roster on December 3rd will feature G.P.A. (Greatest Poet Alive), Jocelyn...
November debriefing
The folks lucky enough to have squeezed into the upstairs lounge at Hopleaf for our November 5th edition of Tuesday Funk know what a fantastic time was had by all. But if you weren't there, let us break down the...
Reminder: Tuesday Funk #63 is tonight!
Don't forgettonight is Tuesday Funk's 63rd big episode, featuring Paul McComas & Greg Starrett, Vojislav Pejović, J.H. Palmer, John Rich, and Rosamund Lannin. Don't miss it! Our readings take place at Hopleaf Bar, 5148 N. Clark St. in Chicago. We...
Meet Our Readers: J.H. Palmer
J.H. Palmer co-produces the monthly live lit series That's All She Wrote, which takes place the second Sunday of the month at Swim Cafe, and which recently celebrated its one year anniversary. She has appeared at a number of storytelling...
About Us
Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. Join us at Hopleaf the first Tuesday of every month.
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