Tuesday Funk likes Mac 'n Cheese Productions

Here at Tuesday Funk, we occasionally like to point you toward fun and worthwhile things to do in Chicago on those thirty lonely days of the month when you're not at Hopleaf for one of our high-class literary extravaganzas. So if you want to get to know some interesting folks you might not cross paths with otherwise, you should definitely check out Mac 'n Cheese Productions.

mnc_mingler.jpg - click to view - mousewheel to zoom

Mac 'n Cheese Productions helps satiate the desire of people to grow their community via non-traditional, affordable, comfortable, and fun ways.  

  • Minglers: People come to a converted toy-factory home for an evening of expanding networks (social, romantic, professional). The caveat—everyone must come solo.
  • Coffee: People meet at a coffeehouse for a facilitated discussion on all things entrepreneurial.
  • Smatterings: An e-newsletter that has a myriad of info, from job openings to grant opportunities to activity suggestions to mechanic referrals.
  • Special Events: Example > Dance Experiment: Seventeen strangers who can't dance and who are scared to perform in front of others rehearse for three months in preparation for a performance in front of an audience of 350.

For more info, check out www.macncheeseproductions.com. And tell 'em Tuesday Funk sent you!

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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