December debriefing

If it was a bittersweet affair earlier this week at Tuesday Funk, it was also a raucous one. We might have said goodbye to a longtime co-host, but we certainly didn't say goodbye to the eclectic and irreverent spirit of the series!

We kicked things off in fine fashion with plagiarized tweets and a madcap tale of elder care from a very animated Davis Schneiderman. Jocelyn Geboy followed that up with the funny and painful tale of her week in a psych ward. Our regular feature Haiku by Andrew delighted us with topical verse. And J. Michael Grey closed out the first half of our program leading four players in a staged reading of his short play about fathers and fortune and homophobia and more, all set in an Irish pub.

After a break for beer from Mark at the bar, we were treated to a brief history of Poems by Bill (including return visits to "Dogwalker's Algorithm" and "Under Their Skirts"), along with one last new poem for the occasion. G.P.A. arrived just in the nick of time to bring us the stirring and heartbreaking tale of the bully who stole his chocolate milk. And finally, in his final appearance as a co-host, William Shunn delivered a new short story about Mormon missionaries, mouse murder, and an elderly Russian Jew in northern Idaho.

So that's what you missed out on if you missed out on Tuesday Funk, but never fear! We'll bring you plenty of video excerpts in the weeks to come, and then we'll be back on Tuesday, January 7th, 2014, for an evening with Ryan Bartelmay, Kelly Swails, Christa Desir, Jasmine Davila, and Christopher Sweet. Please don't miss it!  

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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