February debriefing

Blah blah blah blah blah - click to view - mousewheel to zoom

Everyone's talking about Tuesday Funk—at least everyone who was there at Hopleaf last night to see our terrific 42nd episode. We do not exaggerate when we say the rapt audience were crammed in shoulder to shoulder to see our accomplished readers. Even Johnny the Bartender commented on the huge, thirsty crowd—and on what a contrast it was from our February 2011 reading, with its blizzard raging outside and its grand total of ten attendees. What a difference a year makes.

The program kicked off with Dustin Monk, who offered us a personalized guided tour of the world of the Singularity. Lillian Huang Cummins followed that up with two short excursions through lives we were all too painfully able to relate to. And Julia Borcherts delighted the crowd with her tale of a Miami meeting between a pregnant punk and the King of Reggae.

After a halftime break for beer and a Poem by Bill too ephemeral to have been captured by our primitive recording equipment, Lauryn Allison Lewis related a shocking tale of attempted sororicide—in the womb. And Margie Skelly brought us chugging back into the station with a series of poems about planes, trains, and destinations.

But if you weren't there, don't beat yourself up! We'll be posting video from the evening's performances over the coming days and weeks so you can catch up on (almost) everything you missed. And of course Tuesday Funk will be back March 6th with our guests John Everson, Robyn Pennacchia, Maggie Kast, Joe Weintraub, and former Tuesday Funk host Hallie Palladino! Be sure to join us so you too can be one of the ones talking about it.

A whole lot more video from last night's event is coming soon, so stay tuned!  

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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