March debriefing

La Sagrada Tarea - click to view - mousewheel to zoom

It was certainly a Super Tuesday last night at Hopleaf—a Super Tuesday Funk, that is! Your humble co-host brought you election updates throughout the evening (see the video below), but the real excitement was in seeing what surprises our five candidates for literary greatness would bring us next!

The program kicked off with Joe Weintraub, who related the hilarious and sad portrait of marriage whose fortunes founder along with the Cubs'. Former Tuesday Funk host Hallie Palladino walked us delicately through the joys and perils of intimacy after childbirth. And Maggie Kast transported us back to the Jazz Age with a stirring excerpt from her novel-in-progress.

After a halftime break for beer and a Poem by Bill, Sunday Night Sex Show impresaria Robyn Pennacchia explained in no uncertain terms the risks involved in swimming with dolphins. (We can't wait to bring you video of that one!) And horror maester John Everson wrapped things up in a bloody bow with two tales of unspeakable evil.

But if you weren't there, don't eat your heart out! We'll be posting video from the evening's performances over the coming days and weeks so you can catch up on everything you missed. And of course Tuesday Funk will be back on April 3rd with our guests Mary Anne Mohanraj, J.H. Palmer, Charlotte Hart, Mare Swallow, and Richard Chwedyk. Be sure to join us!  

Tuesday Funk

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Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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